About The Milestone Society

What we do-

Established in May 2001, we aim to “identify, record, research, conserve and interpret for public benefit the milestones and other waymarkers of the British Isles”. Our members’ interests also include tollhouses, turnpike history and canal milestones. Charitable status was gained in 2004.

Since then, our members have recorded over thirty one thousand milestones, other waymarkers and tollhouses. The locations are displayed from our database on Google Earth mapping with photographs linked to Geograph.org.uk. Our collections also feature on the Heritage Gateway and other sites.

The Society has also amassed a vast quantity of images, articles and other material; you can find our Policy Note on Archiving below.

Over the years, our members have restored hundreds of milestones across the country and given talks to thousands of people in history and archaeological societies, civic societies and many other groups. We’ve led heritage walks and participated in Heritage Open Days and Festivals of Archaeology, with articles in the national press, local papers, on the radio and on TV. We’ve a lively facebook Group and a presence on YouTube. Specific major projects to restore milestones or to engage with local communities (including a national poetry competition!) have been kindly supported by funding bodies such as Heritage Lottery Fund, English Heritage and Big Lottery.

From 2012 we made an annual award to an outstanding student on the Conservation of the Historic Environment course at Birmingham City University in memory of our founder, Terry Keegan. In 2023 this was replaced by a new scheme awarded to groups or individuals; “For an outstanding contribution to preserving and promoting the milestones and other roadside heritage features of the British Isles. Nominees for an award can be submitted by any member of the Society to the Chairman for consideration by the committee. There is no fixed number of awards that can presented in any one year.

Would you be willing to support our cause, too ?


Who we are -

We have around 400 members throughout the UK and overseas. The Society is managed by a national committee of up to twelve members, overseen by five Trustees; all are volunteers. They are supported by an Editorial Panel who produce our publications and a group of specialist advisers. None of our officers is paid; we buy in professional services when required. On the ground, work is carried out by local groups led or advised by County Contacts. The Society publishes a twice yearly newsletter and an occasional Journal, normally published annually. You can view or download back issues HERE

The Society’s AGM and Annual Conference are held on the first Saturday of October and more volunteers are always welcomed! Further information and enquiries should be addressed to our Hon Secretary: Alison Montgomery, The Milestone Society, 5 St Edward’s Drive, Stow-on-the-Wold, Cheltenham, Glos, GL54 1AW (Registered Office) email: honsec@milestonesociety.co.uk

And you can JOIN us here, by completing an application form and paying your subscription through Paypal, by credit or debit card or from a Paypal account.

Should you have an enquiry relating to milestones or other waymarkers but can't find the answer on this website (for example, in our Care and Repair Guidance section) please contact our Hon Sec who will forward your enquiry to someone who can help: HonSec@milestonesociety.co.uk

Our Policies and Procedures