Welcome to our Highways Heritage Walks!
We hope that you will browse our list of walks, including links to relevant ones on other websites, and will enjoy reading about the varied features besides the highways and paths around the country – as well as visiting them yourself.

You can download each of the Milestone Society’s walks as a printer-friendly pdf; if you wish to save coloured ink, remember to set the ‘grayscale’ option on your print preferences.
You are welcome to share these walks with other local walking groups or historical societies, to encourage their appreciation of our highways heritage.
And if you have suggestions for other walks, please get in touch –
click here to email the Milestone Society
When you are walking, please be prepared for adverse weather conditions or slippery ground under-foot; wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear and always carry a drink and a snack. If you are standing by the roadside admiring a milepost, remember that vehicles may not see you easily, especially if there is long vegetation.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the details given in the Society’s walks are accurate, no liability can be accepted by the Society for any inaccuracies or omissions. The walks were created in 2014 so check current public transport and parking information. Footpaths change over time, are re-routed or flooded, stiles are altered but many milestones, waymarkers and toll-houses have stood the test of time – enjoy!
Please honour The Countryside Code
It is designed to help us all to respect, protect and enjoy our countryside. www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/enjoying/countrysidecode