Who do I talk to?
After you have considered what needs doing, finding the right person in authority to talk to is essential, there is someone with a sympathetic ear out there somewhere, but you may not find them at the first attempt.
Start with the Highway Authority – your County Council or Unitary Authority. Write to them by email or by post. There will be contact details on their website. Give them a week to respond. Follow up with a phone call or further email.
Keep calm. Be patient. You are dealing with busy people who do not have milestones at the top of their agenda.
There may be a contact with the Highway Authority’s contractor – perhaps a helpline.
Write to them by email or by post at the same time as you contact the County Council or Unitary Authority.
The Authority may still have a Conservation Officer or a Historic Environment Records Officer – either may provide support for your case. Parish Councils are sometimes keen and have discretionary funding.
If you don’t get a response from Highways, and your follow up phone call or email does not get a response, you can turn to your County Councillor or Unitary Authority Councillor for help. They should follow up your initial enquiry and make sure someone gets back to you. Parish Councillors are often willing to chase up the Highways Department or County Councillors on your behalf - Parish Clerks can be helpful, or go direct to the ward parish or district councillor whose details you will find on the Parish website.