Health and Safety Essentials
The Highway Authority, as owner of the milestone, has a responsibility to maintain it, if it is by the wayside, although only if the work is economically feasible. You can request them to do what needs to be done. If they agree to undertake the work, it would be useful to have a timescale. Your job would then be to remind them to get the work done, and to praise them when the task is successfully completed, perhaps in the local press or on social media.
Alternatively, you can offer to undertake the particular work yourself, on behalf of the Highway Authority. If you want to try this option, you will need some more detailed guidance, first on health and safety, then on each particular level of task outlined above.
This is about risk assessment. How safe would it be for you to work on the milestone using the appropriate tools and materials? What is the risk to you and any colleagues? What is the risk to road users including vehicles? Some Highway Authorities run one day basic safety training courses for people who will be working beside the highway. Ask if there is a course near you. If this is not an option, perhaps you can organise a site visit with that right person in authority you have contacted so that they can advise you about the appropriate safe practice. If this is not an option it is down to your common sense and a high visibility jacket, after you have prepared a comprehensive, informed risk assessment - essential if you are involving others or invoking an insurance cover. The Milestone Society’s insurance liability does not cover accidents, either personal or to property. Please make sure that you read and understand the Insurance Cover section “Insurance Cover for Milestone Restoration and Related Activities” before starting any work on the highway. You must also comply with the Road Traffic Acts and follow the Countryside Code. If your common sense tells you it is too dangerous, then don’t do it!